Perayaan HUT BRI Life ke-34 pada : Kamis, 28 Oktober 2021 Pukul 14.00 WIB-selesai Via Zoom, Instagram Live, dan YouTube Perayaan juga turut
Video Production, Animation, Photography, events, training & Digital Marketing
Concept & Philosophy
Obviously started out from a small desk editor looking to build the perfect creative visual production outcome where those imaginations & passions bringing us to grow & develop business as a full service production company. so our philosophy is “between work & desire we believe will become a great masterpiece.
Our Specialties
Alfarobi StudioDesk is dedicated to providing outstanding production services in audio visual. We are also specialist in video editing and motion graphic animation.
Extensive Portfolio
Our portfolio is extensive; ranging from multimedia content, documentary, video profile to TV program and TV commercial. Our services are bond to leave audiences feeling stunned.
Happy Partners
The program that I created truly comes from my heart and needs to be visualized with caring and love! Its not just a program, but it is a program for and about children. I believe we are lucky to have had the opportunity to work with children from all around the world.. Alfarobi is not just an editor to me, He is a great friend whom was able to take my "heart-work" into a great visuals and perfecting it with a lot of special touches! he truly goes above and beyond. I always love getting his perspective on things! ..Keep it up..
Devi Monica
Producer TV ProgramBeliau beberapa kali diundang menjadi narasumber workshop untuk Tim Humas Balitbangtan Kementerian Pertanian tentang pemanfaatan video dalam penyebaran informasi teknologi pertanian. Berkat beliau kini Tim Humas memiliki kemampuan luar biasa dalam mengolah video.
Achmad Choeky
Humas Balitbangtan KementanMemiliki visi yg sama dalam berkarya itu utama, kesan ini begitu kuat dari rangkaian project yang di garap dengan energi yang berbeda. Videographer dengan segudang ide untuk membuat video content berkualitas menjadi ciri khas dalam tiap produksinya... keep moving bro!
Rio Aditya
Announcer Radio RRIThe 3 projects he made are so brilliant, the latest one was the peak! Happy.. look forward to work with again soon.
Indirawati Sintya Dewi
Pusat PVTPP Kementerian PertanianSangat kreatif dan hasil karyanya sesuai yang kita inginkan. Sebagai klien, kami sangat puas dengan hasil kerjanya.
Riva Lesmana
Marcomm BRI LifeRoby adalah motion graphic designer sekaligus filmmaker yang mengerti kebutuhan visual yang tepat untuk disajikan ke publik. Layaknya Chef Restaurant, ia menyajikan film secara natural tidak mengurangi kandungan rasa film justru memberikan topping extra yang bikin penasaran
Nana Penajiwa
Script Writer
Our Expertise has garnered us the opportunity to work with some of the best brands, companies, government, organization and agencies
Latest Highlight
Home Stay at Kasepuhan Cipta Mulya & Exploring Geopark Ciletuh
Sebanyak 65 siswa SMA Bina Insani Bogor menggelar Homestay di Kasepuhan Ciptamulya, Cisolok, Sukabumi. Di sini siswa belajar berkegiatan bersama,
The Alfa Journey Youtube Channel
Pandemi Covid 19 membuat kita semua menghabiskan banyak waktu di rumah dan juga membatasi aktifitas kita yang sudah terbiasa bepergian. The Alfa